
Santa Fe Standard

Monday, March 10, 2025

3 fewer lawyers with active licenses to practice in Sandoval County in January than previous month

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There were three fewer active legal licenses in Sandoval County in January compared to the previous month, according to the State Bar of New Mexico.

There were 148 active legal licenses in Sandoval County in January, compared to 151 the month before.

Data refers to all lawyers who were actively practicing during this time period.

As of 2023, the average salary for a lawyer in New Mexico is approximately $96,071 per year.

New Mexico faces a severe shortage of lawyers. Two of its counties have no attorneys, and 21% of the state's counties have no more than five lawyers.

Note that the table below does not represent all lawyers with active licenses to practice.

Lawyers in Sandoval County with active legal licenses in January
Lawyer NameName of Firm
Aaron Javier PinonSanchez & Pinon
Adelina Louise GomezNew Mexico Legal Aid, Inc.
Alesia N. Duran13th Judicial District Attorney's Office
Alexandra Noel LopezCity of Rio Rancho
Allison P. Martinez13th Judicial District Court
Amalia Skogen J. LuceroThe Law Office of Amalia S. Lucero, LLC
Amy Lopez L. Dooling13th Judicial District Attorney's Office
Andoni Garrote13th Judicial District Attorney's Office
Andrew Bartkus
Anita M. Kelley
Anita M. SanchezSanchez & Pinon
Arthur HernandezArthur Hernandez Law Offices
Arthur KostanianCity of Rio Rancho
Barbara A. Romo13th Judicial District Attorney's Office
Boglarka FoghiFoghi Law Firm, LLC
Brett S. Janos
Brian R. CurleyNew Mexico Legal Aid, Native American Program
Brinnon Scott
Callan J. Collins13th Judicial District Attorney's Office
Carol M. Parker
Catherine Anne Cameron
Chance R. Sousa13th Judicial District Attorney's Office
Cheryl Hein Johnston13th Judicial District Court
Christina Bartosh GoodrowChristina Bartosh Goodrow Attorney at Law, LLC
Christopher G. Perez13th Judicial District Court
Crystal Anson
D'Marcos P. DevineDevine Law, LLC
Dale A. JohnsonFour Corners Law
Daniel T. Dougherty Esq.
David C. MannRio Rancho Public Schools
David G. ReynoldsReynolds Law Office
David L. PlotskyPlotsky & Dougherty, P.C.
David R. Lee
David T. Eisenberg
Devonne R. SanchezNM Human Services Department Child Support Services Division
Edward Wayne LovatoLovato Law, P.C.
Eileen Baca-PennerPueblo of Santa Ana
Elisabeth Marie GutierrezNew Mexico Legal Aid
Elizabeth HanNM Children Youth and Families Department
Elizabeth J. Medina
Elizabeth Newlin TaylorTaylor & McCaleb, P.A.
Elizabeth StaleyCorrales Planning and Zoning Commission
Ellen Santillan13th Judicial District Attorney's Office
Eric Jon LocherSandoval County
Eric RhoadesSpangler Pacheco & Werbelow, P.A.
Erica Boutte Scott
Erin A. Olson
Francesca J. MacDowellMacDowell Law, P.C.
George H. PerezPerez Perez & Perez
George P. Eichwald13th Judicial District Court
Gregory R. McAllister
Hilari B. LiptonNew Mexico Appleseed
Huong L. Lee
James A. Noel13th Judicial District Court
James S. Starzynski
Jessica A. Martinez13th Judicial District Attorney's Office
Jessica A. Perez13th Judicial District Attorney's Office
Jessica Anne PerezPerez Perez & Perez
Jessica Vaughn Tolle
Jesus L. LopezJesus L. Lopez Attorney at Law
Joel Matthew YoungJoel Young Attorney at Law, LLC
John F. Davis
John M. ButrickSandoval County
Johnna R. Robertson
Jolene Lucille McCalebTaylor & McCaleb, P.A.
Jonathan Mont EvansThirteenth Judicial District
Jordan HaleNew Mexico Legal Aid, Inc.
Joseph William Gergel IIIUS District Court
Joshua Kevin James Rubin
Judith K. Nakamura
Justin T. SchutteSchutte & Associates, LLC
Katelyn Jordan HartRed Sky Law, LLC
Kelli Roberts
Kenneth C. DownesKenneth C. Downes Associates, P.C.
Kyle Lee McConnellWeed Law Firm, LLC
Lance HimmelbergerHimmelberger Law Office, LLC
Laurie McFarlandMcFarland Legal Consulting, LLC
Leeann Elizabeth WerbelowSpangler Pacheco & Werbelow, P.A.
Leslie L. Jones
Linda Darlene WeedWeed Law Firm, LLC
Lisa D. Brown
Lisa Leflore Davis
Lisa Marie Black
Loren D. HatchRio Rancho Public Schools
Louis P. McDonald
Luisa Mabel Arellanes SerranoNM Human Services Department Child Support Enforcement Division
Lynn R. DawsonR. Lynn Dawson Esq, LLC
Margaret A. Cassidy-BacaCassidy Baca, P.C.
Margaret Anne FosterMargaret A. Foster, LLC
Margaret Claire HarwellNew Mexico Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs, Inc.
Maria Rita Sanchez
Marilyn Julie Chimes
Marissa Basler
Mary Catherine Louise BacaCassidy Baca, P.C.
Mathew R. Wadsworth
Matthew M. SpanglerSpangler Pacheco & Werbelow, P.A.
Meaghan T. BacaCassidy Baca, P.C.
Megan Marie HorningNew Mexico Legal Aid, Inc.
Michael Eloy SanchezRio Rancho Law Offices, P.C.
Michael EshlemanSandoval County
Michael M. RueckhausMichael M. Rueckhaus, P.C.
Mikal Melissa AltomareSpruce Technology, Inc.
Mitchell J. Freedman
Myeda Mariam Hussain
Nancy I. Colella13th Judicial District Court
Nanette E. ErdmanErdman Law
Neil O. Carson13th Judicial District Attorney's Office
Nicholas J. PalmerUS Marine Corps
Nickay Bouchard ManningNickay Manning Law Firm, LLC
Nicole E. ManningLux Law, LLC
Nicole Marie CharleboisThe Charlebois Law Firm, LLC
Nicole T. Russell
Patricia Kay DawsonColdwell Banker Legacy
Patrick C. McNertneyPatrick C. McNertney Attorney at Law
Patrick Sacra Florence
Petra Benavides SchwartzLaw Office of Petra B. Schwartz
Rebecca A. Torres
Rebekah B. Wolf
Renee Barela-Gutierrez
Richard B. WalkerRichard B. Walker, P.A.
Robert D. MuellerRobert D. Mueller Attorney at Law
Robert D. Wilkins
Robert Francis MedinaLaw Office of Robert F. Medina
Robert J. Martinez
Robert R. FuentesFuentes Law Office, P.C.
Ronald R. Bratton
Rosalie Chavez
Sam B. SanchezSam B. Sanchez Attorney at Law
Sean M. Distor
Sherrie Lee Trescott
Simon A. TuckNew Mexico Legal Aid Native American Program, Inc.
Steffani A. CochranPueblo of Sandia
Stephanie Marie SalazarPueblo of Sandia
Tea Brianne Davidson
Tessa T. DavidsonDavidson Law Firm, LLC
Thomas F. WoodsWoods Patent Law
Todd C. AdelmannOtter Products, LLC
Travis J. WhiteAMREP Southwest, Inc.
Tristian Joseph Ortiz
Troy S. Lawton
Valentino C. Messina IIIMessina Law Firm, LLC
Vanessa L. DeniroDeNiro Law, LLC
Victor Gerald GrafeThe Grafe Law Office, P.C.
Victor Gerald Grafe IIIVictor Grafe Law Firm, LLC
William D. TeelWilliam D. Teel Attorney at Law, P.C.
William E. FrazierFrazier Law & Mediation
William Mark Mast
Yvette J. GonzalesYvette J. Gonzales, LLC