
Santa Fe Standard

Friday, March 28, 2025

147 more lawyers with active licenses to practice in Bernalillo County in February than previous month

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There were 147 more active legal licenses in Bernalillo County in February compared to the previous month, according to the State Bar of New Mexico.

There were 2,970 active legal licenses in Bernalillo County in February, compared to 2,823 the month before.

Data refers to all lawyers who were actively practicing during this time period.

As of 2023, the average salary for a lawyer in New Mexico is approximately $96,071 per year.

New Mexico faces a severe shortage of lawyers. Two of its counties have no attorneys, and 21% of the state's counties have no more than five lawyers.

Note that the table below does not represent all lawyers with active licenses to practice.

Lawyers in Bernalillo County with active legal licenses in February
Lawyer NameName of Firm
Aaron B. EzekielEzekiel Law Office, LLC
Aaron Bradley HuffmanNM Children Youth and Families Department Protective Services Division
Aaron Charles VietsSandia National Laboratories
Aaron Christopher BacaBernalillo County Metropolitan Court
Aaron GarrettGarrett Law
Aaron Mark SimsChestnut Law Offices, P.A.
Aaron MitchellMitchell Law Offices, LLC
Aaron Randall KuglerAllen Shepherd & Lewis, P.A.
Aaron Robert SharrattNM Court of Appeals
Aaron S. HollomanAdministrative Office of the Courts
Aaron Temple CressLate Night Law
Aaron Thomas Gawrych GoodshoreSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Aaron WhiteleyHuffman Wallace & Monagle
Abby Christine FosterCity of Albuquerque
Abby M. LewisState Bar of New Mexico
Abel AsmeromHendricks Law
Abigail Bannon-SchneebeckModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Abigail Grace LutzSutin Thayer & Browne, APC
Abigail L. PacePeifer Hanson Mullins & Baker, P.A.
Abigail Reinard WolbergLewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP
Ada B. PriestPriest & Miller, LLP
Adam C. FloresIves & Flores, P.A.
Adam D. OakeyLaw Office of Adam Oakey, LLC
Adam LeuschelAdministrative Office of the Courts
Adams Pryor
Adolfo J. Mendez IINew Mexico Department of Justice
Adrian GandaraSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Adrian Octavio VegaBuckingham & Vega Law Firm
Adrian T. OglesbyUniversity of New Mexico School of Law
Adrianne R. TurnerLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Agnes Fuentevilla PadillaButt Thornton & Baehr, P.C.
Agustin C. T. MartinezSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Ahmad AssedLaw Office of Ahmad Assed
Aida Medina AdamsLaw Office of Aida Medina Adams
Aimee MartuccioParnall Law Firm
Aisha Muhammad Abdulghaffar AbdullaGuebert Gentile & Piazza, P.C.
Aja Nicole BrooksOffice of the US Attorney
Akram R. AijalaSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Alan C. TorgersonAlan C. Torgerson, LLC
Alan M. MalottMalott Law
Alan M. VarelaCity of Albuquerque Legal Department
Alan R. WilsonWilson Law Firm, P.C.
Alan V. HeinzCity of Albuquerque Legal Department
Alan Wagman
Alana M. De YoungNew Mexico Gas Company
Albert L. Hutchinson Jr.
Alberto A. LeonAleonlaw, P.C.
Alejandria Alejas Bertha Gallegos
Alejandro AlvaradoRothstein Donatelli, LLP
Alejandro Evan AlbarranSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Aletheia Vadin Pamela AllenNew Mexico Department of Justice
Alex C. WalkerModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Alex Jordan HamiltonUS Department of Agriculture Office of General Counsel
Alexander Beattie IILaw Office of Alex Beattie
Alexander Dickens CreccaThe Law Firm of Alexander D. Crecca, P.C.
Alexander F. FloresOffice of the US Attorney
Alexander Guy ElbornSutin Thayer & Browne, APC
Alexander Javier OspinoUS Department of Agriculture
Alexander W. TuckerNew Mexico Department of Justice
Alexandra Cervantes
Alexandra Freedman SmithLaw Office of Alexandra Freedman Smith
Alexandra HonicanSaucedo Harrigan Apodaca Griesmeyer Apodaca, P.C.
Alexandra Marie Palmer
Alexandra R. WalekoSandia National Laboratories
Alexandra Wilson JonesJones Law Firm, LLC
Alexandria Ayala
Alexandria Del VillarLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Alexandria E. VittitowAllen Shepherd & Lewis, P.A.
Alexandria Nicole DabneyWiggins Williams & Wiggins, P.C.
Alexandria Yazmin OteroLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Alexis Maria Salas
Alexis S. Mena
Alfred A. ParkPark & Associates, LLC
Alfred L. Green Jr.Butt Thornton & Baehr, P.C.
Alfred Matthew SanchezAlfred M. Sanchez Attorney at Law
Alfred QuintanaSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Ali Manuel MoralesMorales Legal Services
Alice Liu McCoyNew Mexico Developmental Disabilities Council
Alicia A. SanasacLaguna Development Corporation
Alicia ClarkNew Mexico Legal Aid, Inc.
Alicia L. GutierrezMoses Farmer Glenn Gutierrez & Werntz, P.C.
Alicia LegerNM Workers' Compensation Administration
Alicia M. LapadoBusiness Law Southwest, LLC
Alicia M. SantosO'Brien & Padilla, P.C.
Alicia Ubeda Harvey
Alicianna MartinezPueblo of Pojoaque
Alisa A. Hart
Alisa C. LauerLaw Offices of Erika E. Anderson
Alisa R. Wigley-DelaraDeLara Supik Odegard, P.C.
Alisa Roberts DiehlNew Mexico Center on Law and Poverty
Alisha L. WalzWalz and Associates, P.C.
Alison B. PaukAdministrative Office of the Courts
Alison Endicott-QuinonesAdvocacy, Inc.
Alison K. OronaSecond Judicial District Court
Alissa N. BergerNM Regulation and Licensing Department
Aliza Gail OrganickUniversity of New Mexico School of Law
Allan L. WainwrightWainwright & Associates, P.A.
Allegra Carroll CarpenterAllegra Carpenter Law Firm, LLC
Allen C. Sumrall
Allison H. Block-ChavezAldridge Hammar & Wexler, P.A.
Allison M. BeaulieuJones Skelton & Hochuli
Allison P. PieroniPieroni Family Law, LLC
Allysa Gambarella
Alma BuenaUS District Court
Alma Cristina RobersonSecond Judicial District Court
Alma Rosa Delgado
Alonzo J. Padilla
Alvin Rey GarciaLaw Office of Alvin R. Garcia, LLC
Alysan Boothe CollinsCollins & Collins, P.C.
Alyssa Carolyn Phillips
Alyssa D. QuijanoIves & Flores, P.A.
Alyssa E. MiletaLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Alyssa Nicole Herrera-WaldroupNM Public Regulation Commission
Alyxandria CallisonGarcia Law Group, LLC
Amanda ChavezRon Bell Injury Lawyers
Amanda K. MieraNM Court of Appeals
Amanda K. NelsonMayer, LLP
Amanda KrasulickNM General Services Department Risk Management Division
Amanda L. GatesRose Ramirez & Associates, P.C.
Amanda LavinNew Mexico Foundation for Open Government
Amanda Marie StephensonLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Amanda NavarroJustice Legal Group
Amanda Wang
Amber Chavez L. BakerSecond Judicial District Court
Amber Hope BakerChapman Law, P.C.
Amber L. GriffithsLaw Office of Amber Griffiths
Amber L. WeeksVrapi Weeks
Amelia P. NelsonRoybal-Mack & Cordova, P.C.
Amir H. PahlavanSandia Family Law
Amme M. Hogan
Amro AbuelounNew Mexico Financial & Family Law
Amy E. ChildressAmy Childress
Amy Elizabeth HeadrickMayer, LLP
Amy J. DiazBrownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP
Amy LandauNew Mexico Department of Justice
Amy M. WilliamsAhmad Assed and Associates
Amye Gayle HendersonSecond Judicial District Court
Ana Andzic-TomlinsonAna AT Consulting, LLC
Ana Rita Goncalves PincaroPincaro Law
Anand S. ChellappaIpTekk, LLC
Anderson Charles HatfieldSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Andrea ChristmanNew Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions
Andrea D. HarrisValle O'Cleireachain Zamora & Harris
Andrea Dawn Steiling WoodyWilliam F. Davis & Associates, P.C.
Andrea Inez GundersonSecond Judicial District Court
Andrea K. RobedaYlaw, P.C.
Andrea L. RomeroRiley Keller Alderete Gonzales
Andres A. Benavidez
Andres Patrick Gutierrez RiveraPriest & Miller, LLP
Andres SantiagoNew Mexico Immigrant Law Center
Andrew A. SmithOffice of the US Attorney
Andrew Anders
Andrew B. IndahlAltura Law Firm
Andrew Conticelli
Andrew G. Schultz
Andrew G. ThorntonThe Law Offices of Andrew G. Thornton
Andrew J. BaranowskiGoodman Realty Group
Andrew J. LantzDavis Law New Mexico
Andrew J. LewisCity of Albuquerque
Andrew J. McCants IISecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Andrew J. SimonsSutin Thayer & Browne, APC
Andrew Jerome RejentHurley Toevs Styles Hamblin & Panter, P.A.
Andrew John DeakyneGarcia Law Group, LLC
Andrew John PavlidesIves & Flores, P.A.
Andrew LanceLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Andrew M. Sanchez Sr.Himes Petrarca & Fester Chtd
Andrew M. Vallejos
Andrew N. CorbellGuebert Gentile & Piazza, P.C.
Andrew P. KnightNM Environment Department
Andrew P. OrtizLaw Offices of Andrew P. Ortiz
Andrew P. YarringtonIDEA Law Group, LLC
Andrew Q. VaranJones Skelton & Hochuli, P.L.C.
Andrew S. CoonCity of Albuquerque Legal Department
Andrew SchollAndy Scholl Law, P.C.
Andrew William CoffingNew Mexico Department of Justice
Angela ArellanesAngela Arellanes Attorney at Law
Angela J. JewellJewell Law Offices
Angela M. ArmstrongNM Gaming Control Board
Angela SwensonNew Mexico Department of Justice
Angelica Anaya AllenNM Children Youth and Families Department
Angelica HallFederal Public Defender Office
Angelica Michelle LopezSaiz Chanez Sherrell & Kaemper
Anh NguyenUS Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration/Office of Secure Transportation
Anita Andree Aguado LetterState Bar of New Mexico
Anita BasiNew Mexico Health Care Authority
Anita M. KelleyDavis Kelley Law
Anita Xochitl TellezOffice of Superintendent of Insurance
Ann B. RodgersChestnut Law Offices, P.A.
Ann L. BrethourIntrepid Potash, Inc.
Ann M. DelphaUniversity of New Mexico School of Law
Ann Maloney ConwayJennings Haug Keleher McLeod Waterfall, LLP
Ann W. Maggiore
Anna Alexander GraceHTLF Bank
Anna C. MartinezAequitas Law of New Mexico, LLC
Anna Elizabeth IndahlAltura Law Firm
Anna G. Martinez
Anna K. TrilloNew Mexico Immigrant Law Center
Anna Maria BaeckerRobles Rael & Anaya, P.C.
Anna Terése NassiffLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Annabelle D. QuintanaApplied Research Associates, Inc.
Jeremy J. TheoretMarrs Griebel Law, Ltd.
Jeremy K. HarrisonModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Jeremy Kyle NickellModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Jeremy PenaOffice of the US Attorney
Jeres Santiago RaelSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Jerrald J. RoehlThe Roehl Law Firm, P.C.
Jerry A. WalzWalz and Associates, P.C.
Jerry Daniel HerreraJerry Daniel Herrera Esq
Jesse Clark HatchHatch Law Firm
Jesse D. CliftonDisability Rights New Mexico
Jesse D. GallegosSingleton Schreiber, LLP
Jesse D. HaleOffice of the US Attorney
Jesse D. HeibelBarnhouse Keegan Solimon & West, LLP
Jesse E. PecoraroOffice of the US Attorney
Jessica A. SerranoButt Thornton & Baehr, P.C.
Jessica Ann DennisJessica Dennis Law, LLC
Jessica Braaten Wilder
Jessica C. RothArmstrong Roth Whitley Johnstone, LLC
Jessica D. MarshallMayer, LLP
Jessica Inez MartinezNew Mexico Immigrant Law Center
Jessica J. RandallNew Mexico State Ethics Commission
Jessica L. AlsupDisability Rights New Mexico
Jessica L. CzajkowskiGarcia Law Group, LLC
Jessica Lynn GonzalesSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Jessica Lynn NixonRobles Rael & Anaya, P.C.
Jessica M. HessLaw Office of Darlene Gomez, LLC
Jessica Marie HernandezKennedy Hernandez & Harrison, P.C.
Jessica Rae CothernRobles Rael & Anaya, P.C.
Jessie Lynn Myrehn
Jesus A. Salazar
Jetta Alison CiminoLaw Office of J. Alison Cimino, P.C.
Jill A. DouthettLaw Office of Jill A. Douthett
Jill Kristin Folske SweeneyTaft Stettinius & Hollister, LLP
Jill M. MartinezBernalillo County Metropolitan Court
Jill Marie CollinsLewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP
Jisan LopezNational Nuclear Security Administration
Joachim Biagi MarjonMarjon Law, LLC
Joan D. MarsanUS Department of the Interior
Joan Elizabeth DrakeModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Joan Maureen Waters
Joann Keleher
Joaquin SanchezJack Sanchez Law, LLC
Jocelyn C. DrennanRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Jocelyn M. Torres
Jocelyn Noelle JarrettNM Children Youth and Families Department
Jody Neal-PostJody Neal-Post Esq
Joe M. Romero Jr.Romero & Winder, P.C.
Joel Cruz-EsparzaLaguna Pueblo
Joel Philip AmesSwaim Carlow & Ames, P.C.
Johanna A. PickelPickel Law, P.C.
Johanna C. Cox
John A. ArmijoTitan Development
John A. Budagher IIIBudagher & Tann, LLC
John A. McCallLaw Works, LLC
John Andrew DegraauwDeGraauw Law Firm, P.C.
John Andrew DragovitsSutin Thayer & Browne, APC
John Bryan VerheulTXNM Energy
John D. Dodge
John DuranDuran & McDonald, LLC
John Erin ReidyTiwald Law, P.C.
John F. Hall
John Field Simms Stiff Jr.Stiff Garcia & Associates, LLC
John Frank HigginsHiggins Law Firm
John J. Carmody Jr.Carmody & Associates, P.A.
John J. Schoeppner
John James D'Amato Jr.The D'Amato Law Firm, P.C.
John K. ZieglerConklin Woodcock Ziegler & Hazlett, P.C.
John KlossSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
John M. BrantBrant & Hunt Attorneys
John M. KienzleJMK Law, P.A.
John Mcclain KubiakJohn Kubiak Attorney at Law, LLC
John Moon F. SamoreLaw Office of John F. Moon Samore
John P. RhinehartRhinehart & Associates
John P. SalazarRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
John R. Duran IINew Mexico Department of Justice
John R. KelleyGenus Law Group
John R. TiwaldTiwald Law, P.C.
John Robert Pampell21st Century Law Office, LLC
John S. CampbellResnick & Louis, P.C.
John Simms StiffStiff Garcia & Associates, LLC
John T. L. GrubesicBernalillo County Attorney's Office
John T. SandagerSandager & Associates, P.C.
John Thomas FitzpatrickJohn T. Fitzpatrick, P.C.
John Thomas LitchfordNew Mexico Department of Justice
John V. NilanJohn V. Nilan, LLC
John V. WertheimJohn Wertheim Law, LLC
John W. LawrenceLaw Office of John W. Lawrence, P.C.
John Warwick BoydFreedman Boyd Hollander & Goldberg, P.A.
John William AndersonJohn Anderson, P.C.
Johnn S. L. OsbornLaw Office of Johnn Osborn, P.C.
Johnna L. WalkerNew Mexico Department of Justice
Jolanna Kristyn MaciasSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Jon JacobsThe Law Firm of Jacobs & Jacobs
Jon K. StanfordOffice of the US Attorney
Jonaka White HallRon Bell Inury Lawyers
Jonathan A. GarciaGarcia Legal
Jonathan C. MillerCrotalus Law, LLC
Jonathan E. DominguezRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Jonathan L. IbarraLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Jonathan M. Gerson
Jonathan M. Hill
Jonathan M. PeakePeake Law Firm, LLC
Jonathan Ronald BucknerUS Department of Energy
Jonathan Scott Brown
Jonlyn MartinezLaw Office of Jonlyn M. Martinez, LLC
Jordan Diane MacHinSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Jordan E. WintersBerenson & Associates, P.C.
Jordan H. FarrellSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Jordan K. OglesbyPueblo of Isleta Legal Department
Jordan R. QuinlanGarcia Law Group, LLC
Jordan T. HaddadLaw Office of Jordan Haddad
Jordana M. TroiseCaruso Law Offices, P.C.
Jordi KandarianAlcaraz Law, P.A.
Jordon P. GeorgeAragon Moss George Jenkins, LLP
Jordy Lior SternSecond Judicial District Court
Jose Jehuda Garcia
Jose R. BlantonRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Joseph A. MontanoSecond Judicial District Court
Joseph Benjamin BrakenhoffSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Joseph C. HauptConklin Woodcock Ziegler & Hazlett, P.C.
Joseph C. HollowayExpo New Mexico
Joseph C. ShelleyRighi Fitch Law Group
Joseph E. A. TurnerUS Army Corps of Engineers Albuquerque District
Joseph E. ShattuckJoseph E. Shattuck
Joseph GoldbergFreedman Boyd Hollander & Goldberg, P.A.
Joseph H. Robertson
Joseph J. GribbleCrowley & Gribble, P.C.
Joseph L. WerntzMoses Farmer Glenn Gutierrez & Werntz, P.C.
Joseph M. FineFine Law Firm
Joseph M. Romero
Joseph M. SpindleOffice of the US Attorney
Joseph M. Tapia Jr.Tapia Legal Resources, LLC
Joseph M. ThompsonThompson Law Firm
Joseph Mark Jerome HolveyUS Department of Agriculture
Joseph MartinezNew Mexico Department of Justice
Joseph Oliver Allred
Joseph Patrick KennedyThe Kennedy Law Firm, P.C.
Joseph Patrick TurkDevelopmental Disabilities Council
Joseph Randy Stevens IISecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Joseph Raymond Thiel
Joseph Repito Sanchez IIIBernalillo County Attorney's Office
Joseph Spenser LotzNew Mexico Department of Justice
Joseph Sullivan
Joseph W. GandertAffordable Law
Joseph YarThe Law Office of Joseph Yar, P.C.
Joshua A. AllisonSecond Judicial District Court
Joshua A. CollinsAllen Shepherd & Lewis, P.A.
Joshua A. GoldbergPadilla Montoya and Associates
Joshua A. SpencerNew Mexico Developmental Disabilities Council
Joshua B. HirschModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Joshua BradleyBradley Law Firm, LLC
Joshua Clark RovelliParnall Law Firm
Joshua D. BooneSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Joshua J. SanchezBernalillo County Metropolitan Court
Joshua K. ConawayFadduol Cluff Hardy & Conaway, P.C.
Joshua MannMann Water Law
Joshua Monroe CurtisCurtis & Company
Joshua P. HasyniecSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Joshua R. SlattonSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Joshua T. ChappellTiffany & Bosco, P.A.
Joshua T. TalamanteSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Joy A. WillisSecond Judicial District Court
Joyce M. GentryGentry Law Firm
Juan Alonso Martinez LunaNew Mexico Legal Aid
Juan Carlos ScarboroughSenior Citizens' Law Office
Juan H. GonzalezBegum & Cowen, PLLC
Juan L. FloresStelzner Winter Warburton Flores & Dawes, P.A.
Juan M. Marquez Jr.Rodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Judi J. PartinPartin Law Group, LLC
Judith E. Finfrock
Judith Elizabeth CarusoLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Judith L. DurzoJudith L. Durzo Attorney at Law
Julia Ashley CummingsMayer, LLP
Julia Elizabeth McFallAtkinson Baker & Rodriguez, P.C.
Julia Gabrielle CoulloudonCity of Albuquerque
Julia L. MacCiniSCM Partners, LLC
Julia M. ValenciaPegasus Legal Services for Children
Julia Marie PetrucelliLeigh & Dougherty, P.C.
Julia Ragas OliverSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Julia Yvette ParsonsStiff Garcia & Associates
Julianna T. HopperJennings Haug Keleher McLeod Waterfall, LLP
Julie Anne KoschtialKoschtial Law, LLC
Julie BishopBishop Law, P.C.
Julie Marie SaizLaw Office of Julie M. Saiz
Julie ParkCity of Albuquerque
Julie Taylor GilmoreUNM Office of the University Counsel Health Law Section
Juliette A. Gallegos
Julio C. RomeroMartinez Hart Sanchez & Romero, P.C.
Julio P. GarciaADVISE A. Modern Law Firm
Julita A. LeavellLaw Offices of Julita Ann Leavell Esq, P.C.
Julpa DaveLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Justice Keith Irons
Justin A. GonzalezGonzalez Law, LLC
Justin A. YoungLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Justin Alexander HorwitzRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Justin Bert BreenUS Eagle Federal Credit Union
Justin Charles LaurianoNew Mexico Department of Justice
Justin D. GoodmanResnick & Louis, P.C.
Justin E. Pennington
Justin E. PooreNational Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
Justin J. SolimonBarnhouse Keegan Solimon & West, LLP
Justin L. GreeneJackson Lewis, P.C.
Justin L. RobbsCiverolo Gralow & Hill, P.A.
Justin LeskyLaw Office of Justin Lesky
Justin Marshall StarrModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Justin Paul PizzoniaPizzonia Law
Justin R. JacksonPeacock Law, P.C.
Justin R. SawyerMoses Farmer Glenn Gutierrez & Werntz, P.C.
Justin Robert WoolfJaynes Corporation
Justin RodriguezAtkinson Baker & Rodriguez, P.C.
Justin Roth MuehlmeyerPeacock Law, P.C.
Justin WatkinsAldridge Pite, LLC
Justin Wray FrenchOffice of the State Engineer
Justine C. Fox-YoungJustine Fox-Young, P.C.
Kacey Justine HovdenNM Environmental Law Center
Kaela Skye HolmenBegum & Cowen, PLLC
Kaitlin A. FordRebecca Kitson Law
Kaleigh E. GardunoDorato & Weems Law Firm, LLC
Kalin Angela CogarLorber Greenfield & Olsen, LLP
Kalista Marie WilsonNew Mexico Department of Justice
Kallie D. KuehlAir Force Nuclear Weapons Center
Kallie DixonKallie Dixon Law
Kanalya A. ArimaSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Kara B. MurphyRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Kara Y. Shair-RosenfieldUS District Court
Karen Howden WeaverZwicker & Associates, P.C.
Karen Kimbro ChaseUS District Court
Karen Kristine Schiabor SummersSummers Law
Karen L. KahnModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Karen Marie DickeLewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP
Kari ColeGerman Burnette & Associates, LLC
Kari Converse
Kari E. BrandenburgBrandenburg Law Office
Kari Lynn Ruma
Kari Ward KarrSynchronicity, LLC
Karie Jane ValentinoLewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP
Karin V. FosterTreveri Law, P.C.
Karl H. RoepkeRoepke Law Firm, LLC
Karl J. SwansonSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Karla Denise RosalesBush Injury Law
Karla K. PoeMoses Farmer Glenn Gutierrez & Werntz, P.C.
Karlos UlibarriUlibarri Law Office
Karson Winton Smith13th Judicial District Attorney's Office
Kat FoxNew Mexico Financial & Family Law, P.C.
Kate FurekLewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP
Kate JonesLewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP
Kate M. SouthardKate Southard Real Estate
Kate S. ThompsonLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Kateri Garcia WestSaiz Chanez Sherrell + Kaemper, P.C.
Katharine Burdic PenaNM Court of Appeals
Katherine A. WrayNM Court of Appeals
Katherine Ann HowingtonEsquivel & Howington, LLC
Katherine Channing RoehlThe Roehl Law Firm, P.C.
Katherine E. McKinneyModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Katherine E. TourekGarcia Law Group, LLC
Katherine Hartung O'NealO'Neal Appellate Law, LLC
Katherine J. GibsonSecond Judicial District Court
Katherine L. McCarthyMcCarthy & Holthus, LLP
Katherine Louise FeigenbaumSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Katherine Maria Noel Haney TaraUNM Utton Transboundary Resources Center
Katherine Marie Gorospe
Katherine Marie LoeweLaw Office of Ryan J. Villa
Katherine P. LeblancKatherine P. LeBlanc Attorney at Law
Katherine WaltLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Katherine Weaver PattersonKWP Consulting & Mediation, LLC
Kathleen A. HesslerKathleen A. Hessler, LLC
Kathleen Ann Sabo
Kathleen Elizabeth AucoinAuCoin Law Group
Kathleen J. LoveMcGinn Montoya Love & Curry, P.A.
Kathleen M. Mitchell
Kathleen M. RhinehartLaw Offices of Kathleen Rhinehart
Kathleen M. WilsonHinkle Shanor, LLP
Kathleen Marie CarlowSwaim Carlow & Ames, P.C.
Kathleen Thomas AhgharMoses Farmer Glenn Gutierrez & Werntz, P.C.
Kathryn Dorothea SearsBuckingham & Vega Law Firm
Kathryn Erin TerryTerry & deGraauw, P.C.
Kathryn L. EatonLueker Law, LLC
Kathryn M. FranchiniLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Kathryn Mary Rose McGarvey
Kathy L. BlackLaw 4 Small Business
Katie CurryMcGinn Montoya Love & Curry, P.A.
Katie Rose MarionRose Marion Law Firm, LLC
Katrina BagleyAllen Shepherd & Lewis, P.A.
Katrina Sanchez BilalBernalillo County Attorney's Office
Katy M. DuhiggSutin Thayer & Browne
Kayd PattersonFadduol Cluff Hardy & Conaway, P.C.
Kayla JankowskiBarnhouse Keegan Solimon & West, LLP
Ke'vion D'anthony PinckneyExcelsior Law of New Mexico
Kea W. RiggsUS District Court
Kedar BhaskerLaw Office of Kedar Bhasker
Keith C. MierButler Snow, LLP
Keith E. PattonPatton Law, P.C.
Keith FranchiniFranchini Law Office
Keith R. RomeroRomero Legal Group, P.C.
Keith RinaldiSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Keith W. HerrmannStelzner Winter Warburton Flores & Dawes, P.A.
Kelley Leigh ThurstonExcelsior Law of New Mexico
Kelley McIntire
Kelli J. KeeganBarnhouse Keegan Solimon & West, LLP
Kellie J. GarciaNew Mexico Department of Justice
Kelly Alexis GolightleyGolightley Law, P.C.
Kelly J. DavisBusiness Law Southwest, LLC
Kelly K. WaterfallLaw Office of Ryan J. Villa
Kelly P. O'NeillNM Office of Broadband Access and Expansion
Kelly Stout SanchezMartinez Hart Sanchez & Romero, P.C.
Kelly VillanuevaNM Environment Department
Kelsea Elaine SonaRobles Rael & Anaya, P.C.
Kelsey Diane GreenMiller Stratvert, P.A.
Kelsey Marie NeffLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Kendrick Winsor DaneHigh Flying Holdings, LLC
Kenneth A. GleriaKenneth A. Gleria Attorney at Law
Kenneth C. LeachRoybal-Mack & Cordova, P.C.
Kenneth J. NeundorfJ. Kenneth Neundorf Attorney at Law
Kenneth J. TagerNM Local Government Law, LLC
Kenneth M. Culbreth IIIMoses Farmer Glenn Gutierrez & Werntz, P.C.
Kenneth OwensNM Workers' Compensation Administration
Kenneth Paul McNeillSandia National Laboratories
Kenneth Robert Glodo III
Kenneth ShiauMelete Legal
Kent B. BuckinghamBuckingham & Vega Law Firm
Keren H. FendersonThe Fenderson Firm
Kermit Dean LopezOrtiz & Lopez, PLLC
Kerri L. AllensworthAllen Law Firm, LLC
Kerry Cait MarinelliMorgan & Morgan, PLLC
Kerry J. MorrisABQ Law Clinic/Morris Law Firm, P.A.
Kerry M. ClarkUS Department of Energy
Kerwin J. HollowwaSpann Hollowwa & Artley
Kevin A. HedrichHedrich Law, P.A.
Kevin A. MorrowCity of Albuquerque
Kevin D. HammarAldridge Hammar Wexler, P.A.
Kevin Daniel PierceSouthwest Family Guidance Center, LLC
Kevin G. GickUniversity of New Mexico
Kevin GarciaDeGraauw Law Firm, P.C.
Kevin J. Banville
Kevin J. HanrattyHanratty Law Firm
Kevin J. McCreadyMyers McCready & Myers, P.C.
Kevin L. Fitzwater
Kevin M. de Rijk
Kevin M. SextonResnick & Louis, P.C.
Kevin MartinezLaw Offices of Kevin Martinez, LLC
Kevin P. HolmesHolmes Law Firm, P.C.
Kevin P. LevyMed Flight Air Ambulance, Inc.
Kevin W. BiegSandia National Laboratories
Khan BookerTawney Acosta & Chaparro, P.C.
Killean Liquori CarterLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Kim Cuong Hong NguyenRay Pena McChristian
Kim Romero-Oak
Kimberly Ann Eaton BrawleyOffice of the US Attorney
Kimberly Anne Curry
Kimberly BellOffice of the US Attorney
Kimberly Lynn PadillaLarkin Padilla McDougall Family Law
Kimberly Marie BannermanDepartment of Interior
Kimberly Nicole Knox
Kimberly S. Brusuelas5th Street Law
Kinzer Anne JacksonCity of Albuquerque
Kirk R. AllenMiller Stratvert, P.A.
Kirsten L. DickSecond Judicial District Court
Kirtan K. KhalsaUS District Court
Klarice Alexandria MedinaSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Komal Nanda StiverStiver Law, LLC
Krista L. GarciaPower Legal, LLC
Krista RussellButt Thornton & Baehr, P.C.
Kristen J. BurbySandia National Laboratories
Kristen Paige HoltvoigtNew Mexico Legal Aid, Inc.
Kristin A. DearthButt Thornton & Baehr, P.C.
Kristin Elaine Morgan-TracyUS District Court
Kristin Greer LoveACLU of New Mexico
Kristin GromanResnick & Louis, P.C.
Kristin GuinSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Kristin J. DaltonCity of Albuquerque Legal Department
Kristina BogardusNM Court of Appeals
Kristina CaffreyNew Mexico Top Organics-Ultra Health
Kristopher Nicolas HoughtonUS Attorney's Office
Krystina CatarineuGenus Law Group
Krystle A. ThomasRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Kurt J. Mayer
Kurt WihlJennings Haug Keleher McLeod Waterfall, LLP
Kyle T. NaybackNayback Law, LLC
Kylee Jaei RoerickAdams+Crow Law Firm
Kylie N. NewmanLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Kymberleigh Grace DoughertyLeigh & Dougherty, P.C.
Lacy A. DanielLaw & Resource Planning Associates, P.C.
Ladonna L. GironSecond Judicial District Children's Court
Lalita C. MoskowitzACLU of New Mexico
Lalita DevarakondaHurley Toevs Styles Hamblin & Panter, P.A.
Lance B. WainwrightLance Wainwright
Lance D. RichardsCiverolo Gralow & Hill, P.A.
Lara C. SundermannNew Mexico Department of Justice
Lara Christensen
Lara White DavisBlue Cross Blue Shield of New Mexico
Larissa Marie LozanoLozano Law Firm, LLC
Larry Curtis VernonLighthouse Law, LLC
Larry Dale LucasLarry D. Lucas Attorney at Law
Latisha K. FrederickAtkinson & Kelsey, P.A.
Laura AckermannGordon Rees Scully Mansukhani
Laura BasseinState Bar of New Mexico Foundation
Laura CassLaura Cass Attorney at Law, LLC
Laura Collins BrittonMiller Stratvert, P.A.
Laura E. SanchezRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Laura Erin HortonAshton Horton Mullins
Laura FashingUS District Court
Thomas Budd J. MucciMucci Law Office
Thomas C. BirdJennings Haug Keleher McLeod, LLP
Thomas C. MontoyaAtkinson & Kelsey, P.A.
Thomas D. WalkerWalker & Associates, P.C.
Thomas E. Brown IIIBrown Legal Group, P.C.
Thomas E. Dow
Thomas F. BlueherPregenzer Baysinger Wideman & Sale, P.C.
Thomas G. RiceDavis Miles Law, PLLC
Thomas Gordon WoodLaw Office of James H. Wood, P.C.
Thomas H. ToevsHurley Toevs Styles Hamblin & Panter, P.A.
Thomas J. Mescall IIMescall Law Firm, P.C.
Thomas J. PeckhamNordhaus Law Firm, LLC
Thomas Joseph Hoffman
Thomas Joseph KennedyMadison Mroz Steinman Kenny & Olexy, P.A.
Thomas Kyle Campbell IIIThomas Kyle Campbell III Attorney at Law
Thomas L. BonhamThomas L. Bonham Attorney at Law
Thomas L. KalmKalm Law Firm, P.C.
Thomas M. AllisonWhitener Law Firm, P.A.
Thomas M. DommeJennings Haug Keleher McLeod, LLP
Thomas R. BrionesBriones Business Law Consulting, P.C.
Thomas R. Dawe
Thomas R. GroverGrover Law, LLC
Thomas R. MackMiller Stratvert, P.A.
Thomas Smidt IIISmidt Reist & Keleher, P.C.
Thomas WolinskiAdams+Crow Law Firm
Thurman W. Moore IIIThurman W. Moore III Esq
Tierra Njoni MarksBarnhouse Keegan Solimon & West, LLP
Tiffany E. WangInnovation Law Lab
Tiffany L. Sanchez
Tiffany Leann Roach MartinModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Tim GardnerDisability Rights New Mexico
Timothy BakerLighthouse Law
Timothy C. CallawayWhitener Law Firm
Timothy D. SteiderSteider & Associates, P.C.
Timothy Dale TrembleyOffice of the US Attorney
Timothy J. AtlerAtler Law Firm, P.C.
Timothy J. Humphrey Sr.Stetson Law Offices, P.C.
Timothy L. FieldsModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Timothy L. WhiteValdez & White Law Firm, LLC
Timothy P. ZannesTimothy P. Zannes Esq
Timothy R. BriggsMiller Stratvert, P.A.
Timothy R. Van ValenVan Valen State Tax Law, LLC
Timothy S. HaleHale & Dixon, P.C.
Timothy S. VasquezOffice of the US Attorney
Timothy W. Cornish
Tina Sherrell TaylorTaylor Law, LLC
Toby LuteneggerAldridge Pite, LLP
Todd A. OlmosLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Todd A. SchwarzMiller Stratvert, P.A.
Todd Bruce HotchkissTodd B. Hotchkiss Attorney at Law, LLC
Todd C. AdelmannOtter Products, LLC
Todd Ellis FarkasLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Todd J. BullionLaw Office of Todd J. Bullion
Tom PrettymanNew Mexico Legal Aid, Inc.
Tomas J. GarciaModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Tommy JewellJewell Law Offices
Tonie Jessica AbeytaDuran & McDonald, LLC
Tony Aaron AndradeModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Tonya Noonan Herring
Torri A. JacobusAdministrative Office of the Courts
Tova IndritzTova Indritz Attorney at Law
Tracy Drager
Tracy J. AhrAhr Law Offices, P.C.
Tracy Lynn HartzlerCentral New Mexico Community College
Tracy M. Jenks
Tracy R. SproulsRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Travis G. JacksonJackson Loman Downey & Stevens-Block, P.C.
Travis M. Scott Jr.
Travis R. CollierPresbyterian Healthcare Services
Travis WagmanLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Trevor A. RiglerLaw Office of Trevor A. Rigler
Trevor S. M. StevensUS Army Corps of Engineers
Trevor T. Moore
Tricia Ann CooperThe Robert R. Cooper Law Firm, P.C.
Troy J. Davis
Twila A. HoonHoon Law, LLC
Twila Braun LarkinLarkin Padilla McDougall Family Law
Tyler John AtkinsAtkins & Walker, P.A.
Tyler M. CuffRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Tyler M. SciaraNew Mexico Department of Justice
Tyler S. Brown
Tyren Christopher Holmes
Tyson E. LoganThe Spence Law Firm NM, LLC
Tyson J. CosperSoteria Legal
Tyson R. HummellCity of Albuquerque Legal Department
Una CampbellParnall Law Firm
Ure-Krystal Chioma OkoroEnchantment Legal
Urvashi ParkhaniChildress Law Firm
Valentina Elizabeth BasileDepartment of Air Force
Valeria Garcia TavarezNew Mexico Immigrant Law Center
Valerie A. Huling
Valerie JoeBernalillo County Attorney's Office
Valerie Reighard DentonRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Van SnowNew Mexico Department of Justice
Vanessa Denise HidalgoPueblo of Isleta Legal Department
Vanessa E. GarciaLorber Greenfield & Olsen, LLP
Vanessa I. PeakePeake Law Firm, LLC
Vanessa Rae OrtegaVRO Law Firm
Vanessa S. Willock
Vaughn ThomasThomas Law Firm Chartered
Venu M. Manne
Verenice Peregrino PompaPegasus Legal Services for Children
Veronica DoratoDorato & Weems Law Firm, LLC
Veronica GonzalesUniversity of New Mexico School of Law
Veronica L. HillSecond Judicial District Court
Veronica Nadine MirelesMayer, LLP
Veronique RichardsonBarnhouse Keegan Solimon & West, LLP
Vicente Eduardo Vargas
Vicki S. PlevinPickel Law, P.C.
Vickie R. WilcoxWilcox & Myers, P.C.
Victor A. HallNew Mexico Department of Justice
Victor E. Valdez
Victor J. ChaconNew Mexico Health Care Authority
Victor Patrick MontoyaSouthwest Workplace Law
Victor Roybal Jr.Law Offices of Victor Roybal Jr
Victor S. LopezSecond Judicial District Court
Victoria GammillCity of Albuquerque Legal Department
Victoria K. Leblanc-VialpandoSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Victoria Leigh LuceroThe Law Office of Victoria Lucero, LLC
Victoria Marie BatemanM. V. Parker Law, PLLC
Vidalia Gruber ChavezBernalillo County Metropolitan Court
Vincent E. MartinezMartinez Law Offices, P.C.
Vincent J. WardThe Ward Law Firm
Vincent L. Knight
Vincent Mckay HaslamHurley Toevs Styles Hamblin & Panter, P.A.
Violet Nora Delancey EdelmanOffice of the Federal Public Defender
Violette Cloud
Virginia H. HuettigVirginia H. Huettig Esq
Walter E. Stern IIIModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Walter Kenneth Martinez Jr.Bernalillo County Attorney's Office
Walter L. Reardon Jr.Walter L. Reardon Jr, P.A.
Walter M. Hart IIINew Mexico Department of Justice
Wan Erh Chen
Wanda MartinezNew Mexico Health Care Authority
Warren F. Hire IIHinkle Law Offices, P.C.
Wayne BakerLaw Office of Wayne Baker
Wayne E. BinghamBingham Hurst & Apodaca, P.C.
Wayne G. ChewWayne G. Chew, P.C.
Wayne J. GriegoFriends & Family Legal Center
Wayne McCookMcCook Law Firm, LLC
Wayne R. SuggettWayne R. Suggett Attorney at Law, P.C.
Wendell B. LaneLane Linnenburger Lane Attorneys at Law
Wendy E. YorkYork Mediations, LLC
Wendy Lee BasgallSecond Judicial District Court
Wesley Colin Corning JacksonJackson Law, LLC
Wesley Hazen
William A. Hilsman
William A. SanchezSanchez Settlement & Mediation Services, LLC
William Bluehouse JohnsonWilliam Johnson
William C. HerringLaw Offices of William C. Herring
William C. Lusk-Claiborne
William C. MadisonMadison Mroz Steinman Kenny & Olexy, P.A.
William C. SutherlandSutherland Law Firm, LLC
William D. GreigThe Law Office of William D. Greig, LLC
William D. SleaseState Bar of New Mexico
William E. ParnallSecond Judicial District Court
William Ervin HoskovecSandia Family Law, LLC
William Garth GilchristRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
William Gregory KellyKelly & Associates, P.C.
William J. CookseyLaw Offices of WJ Cooksey LC
William J. LockLock Law Offices
William Joel CooleyWilliam Joel Cooley Attorney at Law
William K. StratvertMiller Stratvert, P.A.
William Paul DunnPregenzer Baysinger Wideman & Sale, P.C.
William R. AndersonO'Brien & Padilla, P.C.
William R. KeleherSmidt Reist & Keleher, P.C.
William Richard McBrideWilliam McBride Law Group, P.A.
William Robert ConsuegraWRC Consulting, LLC
William Robert Lasater Jr.
William S. FergusonWill Ferguson & Associates
William S. HancockMcGinn Montoya Love & Curry, P.A.
William Scott JaworskiJaworski Law
William Shibley Elias IINational Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
William Sutton ReardonMorgan Stanley
William Zachary AddisonNew Mexico Legal Aid, Inc.
Willow Misty ParksParks Law Office, LLC
Winter LaiteWinter Laite Attorney at Law
Winter Leigha TorresTorres Legal Solutions, LLC
Wouter G. ZwartRothstein Donatelli, LLP
Wyatt M. DameronLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Yarithza PenaModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Yarrow Circle Allaire
Yasmin DennigSandia National Laboratories
Yoselin MartinTawney & Acosta and Chaparro, P.C.
Young-Jun RohRimon, P.C.
Yvette Kathleen GonzalesBernalillo County Metropolitan Court
Yvonne ZylanNew Mexico Supreme Court
Zacary E. Wilson-FetrowJames Wood Law
Zachary Adam LernerLerner Venture Law, P.C.
Zachary Alexander KolodnyLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Zachary Andrew KimDomenici Law Firm, P.C.
Zachary Arthur IvesNM Court of Appeals
Zachary E. OgazNM Environment Department
Zachary J. W. Grant
Zachary JonesOffice of the US Attorney
Zachary Joseph FarmerKeller & Keller
Zackary Quintero
Zackeree S. KelinDavis Kelin Law Firm, LLC
Zoe GlaserLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Zoila Y. Alvarez-HernandezLaw Office of Zoila Alvarez-Hernandez, LLC


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