After a 2020-21 school year that was disrupted by the pandemic, the City recognized an urgent need to provide families with childcare, and children with fun, safe environments for in-person activities.
The Environmental Services Division (ESD) has collaborated with Santa Fe Public Schools (SFPS) to reduce plastic waste and provide residents with reusable bags by donating 5,000 BYOB (Bring Your Own Bag) shopping bags for the school’s summer Chromebook exchange.
The new Poet Laureate and the new City Historian have been named by the City of Santa Fe Arts Commission. Both will serve two-year terms and receive $5,000 annual honoraria from the Arts & Culture Department. These honorary positions are ceremonial and educational, and are unrelated to the CHART process.
The State of New Mexico’s Cannabis Regulation Act went into effect on June 29, 2021, allowing local municipalities to adopt reasonable zoning and land use ordinances, which will be limited where state authority supersedes.