CenturyLink phone outage
Los Alamos Customer Care Center is assisting in collecting
outage information from customers over the next two days
Some CenturyLink customers in Los Alamos County are reporting that their landline phones are down. The outage is not affecting the internet or VOIP phones. To assist CenturyLink in pinpointing the problem to initiate repairs, Los Alamos County’s Customer Care Center is collecting names today and tomorrow of individuals experiencing the outage.
Neighborhoods that appear to be affected include North and Barranca Mesas and the Eastern and Western Areas. Contact Customer Care representatives at 505.662.8333 or CustomerCare@lacnm.us to report the outage. Individuals should provide their name, the phone number affected, and their address. This information is being passed along to CenturyLink personnel.
Los Alamos County officials emphasize that the county is not responsible for identifying or repairing damaged infrastructure belonging to CenturyLink. For more information about CenturyLink visit the CenturyLink website.