Data refers to all lawyers who were actively practicing during this time period.
As of 2023, the average salary for a lawyer in New Mexico is around $93,034 per year.
There is a severe lawyer shortage in New Mexico. Two counties in New Mexico have no attorneys, while 21% of the state's counties have no more than five lawyers.
Not all lawyers with active licenses to practice are represented in the table below.
Lawyers in Bernalillo County with active legal licenses in February
Lawyer Name | Name of Firm |
Aaron B. Ezekiel | Ezekiel Law Office, LLC |
Aaron Bradley Huffman | NM Children Youth and Families Department Protective Services Division |
Aaron Charles Viets | Sandia National Laboratories |
Aaron Christopher Baca | Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court |
Aaron Garrett | Garrett Law |
Aaron Mark Sims | Chestnut Law Offices, P.A. |
Aaron Mitchell | Mitchell Law Offices, LLC |
Aaron Randall Kugler | Allen Shepherd & Lewis, P.A. |
Aaron Robert Sharratt | NM Court of Appeals |
Aaron S. Holloman | Administrative Office of the Courts |
Aaron Temple Cress | Late Night Law |
Aaron Thomas Gawrych Goodshore | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Aaron Whiteley | Huffman Wallace & Monagle |
Abby Christine Foster | City of Albuquerque |
Abby M. Lewis | State Bar of New Mexico |
Abel Asmerom | Hendricks Law |
Abigail Bannon-Schneebeck | Modrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A. |
Abigail Grace Lutz | Sutin Thayer & Browne, APC |
Abigail L. Pace | Peifer Hanson Mullins & Baker, P.A. |
Abigail Reinard Wolberg | Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP |
Ada B. Priest | Priest & Miller, LLP |
Adam C. Flores | Ives & Flores, P.A. |
Adam D. Oakey | Law Office of Adam Oakey, LLC |
Adam Leuschel | Administrative Office of the Courts |
Adams Pryor | |
Adolfo J. Mendez II | New Mexico Department of Justice |
Adrian Gandara | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Adrian Octavio Vega | Buckingham & Vega Law Firm |
Adrian T. Oglesby | University of New Mexico School of Law |
Adrianne R. Turner | Law Offices of the Public Defender |
Agnes Fuentevilla Padilla | Butt Thornton & Baehr, P.C. |
Agustin C. T. Martinez | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Ahmad Assed | Law Office of Ahmad Assed |
Aida Medina Adams | Law Office of Aida Medina Adams |
Aimee Martuccio | Parnall Law Firm |
Aisha Muhammad Abdulghaffar Abdulla | Guebert Gentile & Piazza, P.C. |
Aja Nicole Brooks | Office of the US Attorney |
Akram R. Aijala | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Alan C. Torgerson | Alan C. Torgerson, LLC |
Alan M. Malott | Malott Law |
Alan M. Varela | City of Albuquerque Legal Department |
Alan R. Wilson | Wilson Law Firm, P.C. |
Alan V. Heinz | City of Albuquerque Legal Department |
Alan Wagman | |
Alana M. De Young | New Mexico Gas Company |
Albert L. Hutchinson Jr. | |
Alberto A. Leon | Aleonlaw, P.C. |
Alejandria Alejas Bertha Gallegos | |
Alejandro Alvarado | Rothstein Donatelli, LLP |
Alejandro Evan Albarran | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Aletheia Vadin Pamela Allen | New Mexico Department of Justice |
Alex C. Walker | Modrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A. |
Alex Jordan Hamilton | US Department of Agriculture Office of General Counsel |
Alexander Beattie II | Law Office of Alex Beattie |
Alexander Dickens Crecca | The Law Firm of Alexander D. Crecca, P.C. |
Alexander F. Flores | Office of the US Attorney |
Alexander Guy Elborn | Sutin Thayer & Browne, APC |
Alexander Javier Ospino | US Department of Agriculture |
Alexander W. Tucker | New Mexico Department of Justice |
Alexandra Cervantes | |
Alexandra Freedman Smith | Law Office of Alexandra Freedman Smith |
Alexandra Honican | Saucedo Harrigan Apodaca Griesmeyer Apodaca, P.C. |
Alexandra Marie Palmer | |
Alexandra R. Waleko | Sandia National Laboratories |
Alexandra Wilson Jones | Jones Law Firm, LLC |
Alexandria Ayala | |
Alexandria Del Villar | Law Offices of the Public Defender |
Alexandria E. Vittitow | Allen Shepherd & Lewis, P.A. |
Alexandria Nicole Dabney | Wiggins Williams & Wiggins, P.C. |
Alexandria Yazmin Otero | Law Offices of the Public Defender |
Alexis Maria Salas | |
Alexis S. Mena | |
Alfred A. Park | Park & Associates, LLC |
Alfred L. Green Jr. | Butt Thornton & Baehr, P.C. |
Alfred Matthew Sanchez | Alfred M. Sanchez Attorney at Law |
Alfred Quintana | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Ali Manuel Morales | Morales Legal Services |
Alice Liu McCoy | New Mexico Developmental Disabilities Council |
Alicia A. Sanasac | Laguna Development Corporation |
Alicia Clark | New Mexico Legal Aid, Inc. |
Alicia L. Gutierrez | Moses Farmer Glenn Gutierrez & Werntz, P.C. |
Alicia Leger | NM Workers' Compensation Administration |
Alicia M. Lapado | Business Law Southwest, LLC |
Alicia M. Santos | O'Brien & Padilla, P.C. |
Alicia Ubeda Harvey | |
Alicianna Martinez | Pueblo of Pojoaque |
Alisa A. Hart | |
Alisa C. Lauer | Law Offices of Erika E. Anderson |
Alisa R. Wigley-Delara | DeLara Supik Odegard, P.C. |
Alisa Roberts Diehl | New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty |
Alisha L. Walz | Walz and Associates, P.C. |
Alison B. Pauk | Administrative Office of the Courts |
Alison Endicott-Quinones | Advocacy, Inc. |
Alison K. Orona | Second Judicial District Court |
Alissa N. Berger | NM Regulation and Licensing Department |
Aliza Gail Organick | University of New Mexico School of Law |
Allan L. Wainwright | Wainwright & Associates, P.A. |
Allegra Carroll Carpenter | Allegra Carpenter Law Firm, LLC |
Allen C. Sumrall | |
Allison H. Block-Chavez | Aldridge Hammar & Wexler, P.A. |
Allison M. Beaulieu | Jones Skelton & Hochuli |
Allison P. Pieroni | Pieroni Family Law, LLC |
Allysa Gambarella | |
Alma Buena | US District Court |
Alma Cristina Roberson | Second Judicial District Court |
Alma Rosa Delgado | |
Alonzo J. Padilla | |
Alvin Rey Garcia | Law Office of Alvin R. Garcia, LLC |
Alysan Boothe Collins | Collins & Collins, P.C. |
Alyssa Carolyn Phillips | |
Alyssa D. Quijano | Ives & Flores, P.A. |
Alyssa E. Mileta | Law Offices of the Public Defender |
Alyssa Nicole Herrera-Waldroup | NM Public Regulation Commission |
Alyxandria Callison | Garcia Law Group, LLC |
Amanda Chavez | Ron Bell Injury Lawyers |
Amanda K. Miera | NM Court of Appeals |
Amanda K. Nelson | Mayer, LLP |
Amanda Krasulick | NM General Services Department Risk Management Division |
Amanda L. Gates | Rose Ramirez & Associates, P.C. |
Amanda Lavin | New Mexico Foundation for Open Government |
Amanda Marie Stephenson | Law Offices of the Public Defender |
Amanda Navarro | Justice Legal Group |
Amanda Wang | |
Amber Chavez L. Baker | Second Judicial District Court |
Amber Hope Baker | Chapman Law, P.C. |
Amber L. Griffiths | Law Office of Amber Griffiths |
Amber L. Weeks | Vrapi Weeks |
Amelia P. Nelson | Roybal-Mack & Cordova, P.C. |
Amir H. Pahlavan | Sandia Family Law |
Amme M. Hogan | |
Amro Abueloun | New Mexico Financial & Family Law |
Amy E. Childress | Amy Childress |
Amy Elizabeth Headrick | Mayer, LLP |
Amy J. Diaz | Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP |
Amy Landau | New Mexico Department of Justice |
Amy M. Williams | Ahmad Assed and Associates |
Amye Gayle Henderson | Second Judicial District Court |
Ana Andzic-Tomlinson | Ana AT Consulting, LLC |
Ana Rita Goncalves Pincaro | Pincaro Law |
Anand S. Chellappa | IpTekk, LLC |
Anderson Charles Hatfield | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Andrea Christman | New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions |
Andrea D. Harris | Valle O'Cleireachain Zamora & Harris |
Andrea Dawn Steiling Woody | William F. Davis & Associates, P.C. |
Andrea Inez Gunderson | Second Judicial District Court |
Andrea K. Robeda | Ylaw, P.C. |
Andrea L. Romero | Riley Keller Alderete Gonzales |
Andres A. Benavidez | |
Andres Patrick Gutierrez Rivera | Priest & Miller, LLP |
Andres Santiago | New Mexico Immigrant Law Center |
Andrew A. Smith | Office of the US Attorney |
Andrew Anders | |
Andrew B. Indahl | Altura Law Firm |
Andrew Conticelli | |
Andrew G. Schultz | |
Andrew G. Thornton | The Law Offices of Andrew G. Thornton |
Andrew J. Baranowski | Goodman Realty Group |
Andrew J. Lantz | Davis Law New Mexico |
Andrew J. Lewis | City of Albuquerque |
Andrew J. McCants II | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Andrew J. Simons | Sutin Thayer & Browne, APC |
Andrew Jerome Rejent | Hurley Toevs Styles Hamblin & Panter, P.A. |
Andrew John Deakyne | Garcia Law Group, LLC |
Andrew John Pavlides | Ives & Flores, P.A. |
Andrew Lance | Law Offices of the Public Defender |
Andrew M. Sanchez Sr. | Himes Petrarca & Fester Chtd |
Andrew M. Vallejos | |
Andrew N. Corbell | Guebert Gentile & Piazza, P.C. |
Andrew P. Knight | NM Environment Department |
Andrew P. Ortiz | Law Offices of Andrew P. Ortiz |
Andrew P. Yarrington | IDEA Law Group, LLC |
Andrew Q. Varan | Jones Skelton & Hochuli, P.L.C. |
Andrew S. Coon | City of Albuquerque Legal Department |
Andrew Scholl | Andy Scholl Law, P.C. |
Andrew William Coffing | New Mexico Department of Justice |
Angela Arellanes | Angela Arellanes Attorney at Law |
Angela J. Jewell | Jewell Law Offices |
Angela M. Armstrong | NM Gaming Control Board |
Angela Swenson | New Mexico Department of Justice |
Angelica Anaya Allen | NM Children Youth and Families Department |
… | |
Jessica J. Randall | New Mexico State Ethics Commission |
Jessica L. Alsup | Disability Rights New Mexico |
Jessica L. Czajkowski | Garcia Law Group, LLC |
Jessica Lynn Gonzales | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Jessica Lynn Nixon | Robles Rael & Anaya, P.C. |
Jessica M. Hess | Law Office of Darlene Gomez, LLC |
Jessica Marie Hernandez | Kennedy Hernandez & Harrison, P.C. |
Jessica Rae Cothern | Robles Rael & Anaya, P.C. |
Jessie Lynn Myrehn | |
Jesus A. Salazar | |
Jetta Alison Cimino | Law Office of J. Alison Cimino, P.C. |
Jill A. Douthett | Law Office of Jill A. Douthett |
Jill Kristin Folske Sweeney | Taft Stettinius & Hollister, LLP |
Jill M. Martinez | Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court |
Jill Marie Collins | Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP |
Jisan Lopez | National Nuclear Security Administration |
Joachim Biagi Marjon | Marjon Law, LLC |
Joan D. Marsan | US Department of the Interior |
Joan Elizabeth Drake | Modrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A. |
Joan Maureen Waters | |
Joann Keleher | |
Joaquin Sanchez | Jack Sanchez Law, LLC |
Jocelyn C. Drennan | Rodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A. |
Jocelyn M. Torres | |
Jocelyn Noelle Jarrett | NM Children Youth and Families Department |
Jody Neal-Post | Jody Neal-Post Esq |
Joe M. Romero Jr. | Romero & Winder, P.C. |
Joel Cruz-Esparza | Laguna Pueblo |
Joel Philip Ames | Swaim Carlow & Ames, P.C. |
Johanna A. Pickel | Pickel Law, P.C. |
Johanna C. Cox | |
John A. Armijo | Titan Development |
John A. Budagher III | Budagher & Tann, LLC |
John A. McCall | Law Works, LLC |
John Andrew Degraauw | DeGraauw Law Firm, P.C. |
John Andrew Dragovits | Sutin Thayer & Browne, APC |
John Bryan Verheul | TXNM Energy |
John D. Dodge | |
John Duran | Duran & McDonald, LLC |
John Erin Reidy | Tiwald Law, P.C. |
John F. Hall | |
John Field Simms Stiff Jr. | Stiff Garcia & Associates, LLC |
John Frank Higgins | Higgins Law Firm |
John J. Carmody Jr. | Carmody & Associates, P.A. |
John J. Schoeppner | |
John James D'Amato Jr. | The D'Amato Law Firm, P.C. |
John K. Ziegler | Conklin Woodcock Ziegler & Hazlett, P.C. |
John Kloss | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
John M. Brant | Brant & Hunt Attorneys |
John M. Kienzle | JMK Law, P.A. |
John Mcclain Kubiak | John Kubiak Attorney at Law, LLC |
John Moon F. Samore | Law Office of John F. Moon Samore |
John P. Rhinehart | Rhinehart & Associates |
John P. Salazar | Rodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A. |
John R. Duran II | New Mexico Department of Justice |
John R. Kelley | Genus Law Group |
John R. Tiwald | Tiwald Law, P.C. |
John Robert Pampell | 21st Century Law Office, LLC |
John S. Campbell | Resnick & Louis, P.C. |
John Simms Stiff | Stiff Garcia & Associates, LLC |
John T. L. Grubesic | Bernalillo County Attorney's Office |
John T. Sandager | Sandager & Associates, P.C. |
John Thomas Fitzpatrick | John T. Fitzpatrick, P.C. |
John Thomas Litchford | New Mexico Department of Justice |
John V. Nilan | John V. Nilan, LLC |
John V. Wertheim | John Wertheim Law, LLC |
John W. Lawrence | Law Office of John W. Lawrence, P.C. |
John Warwick Boyd | Freedman Boyd Hollander & Goldberg, P.A. |
John William Anderson | John Anderson, P.C. |
Johnn S. L. Osborn | Law Office of Johnn Osborn, P.C. |
Johnna L. Walker | New Mexico Department of Justice |
Jolanna Kristyn Macias | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Jon Jacobs | The Law Firm of Jacobs & Jacobs |
Jon K. Stanford | Office of the US Attorney |
Jonaka White Hall | Ron Bell Inury Lawyers |
Jonathan A. Garcia | Garcia Legal |
Jonathan C. Miller | Crotalus Law, LLC |
Jonathan E. Dominguez | Rodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A. |
Jonathan L. Ibarra | Law Offices of the Public Defender |
Jonathan M. Gerson | |
Jonathan M. Hill | |
Jonathan M. Peake | Peake Law Firm, LLC |
Jonathan Ronald Buckner | US Department of Energy |
Jonathan Scott Brown | |
Jonlyn Martinez | Law Office of Jonlyn M. Martinez, LLC |
Jordan Diane MacHin | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Jordan E. Winters | Berenson & Associates, P.C. |
Jordan H. Farrell | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Jordan K. Oglesby | Pueblo of Isleta Legal Department |
Jordan R. Quinlan | Garcia Law Group, LLC |
Jordan T. Haddad | Law Office of Jordan Haddad |
Jordana M. Troise | Caruso Law Offices, P.C. |
Jordi Kandarian | Alcaraz Law, P.A. |
Jordon P. George | Aragon Moss George Jenkins, LLP |
Jordy Lior Stern | Second Judicial District Court |
Jose Jehuda Garcia | |
Jose R. Blanton | Rodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A. |
Joseph A. Montano | Second Judicial District Court |
Joseph Benjamin Brakenhoff | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Joseph C. Haupt | Conklin Woodcock Ziegler & Hazlett, P.C. |
Joseph C. Holloway | Expo New Mexico |
Joseph C. Shelley | Righi Fitch Law Group |
Joseph E. A. Turner | US Army Corps of Engineers Albuquerque District |
Joseph E. Shattuck | Joseph E. Shattuck |
Joseph Goldberg | Freedman Boyd Hollander & Goldberg, P.A. |
Joseph H. Robertson | |
Joseph J. Gribble | Crowley & Gribble, P.C. |
Joseph L. Werntz | Moses Farmer Glenn Gutierrez & Werntz, P.C. |
Joseph M. Fine | Fine Law Firm |
Joseph M. Romero | |
Joseph M. Spindle | Office of the US Attorney |
Joseph M. Tapia Jr. | Tapia Legal Resources, LLC |
Joseph M. Thompson | Thompson Law Firm |
Joseph Mark Jerome Holvey | US Department of Agriculture |
Joseph Martinez | New Mexico Department of Justice |
Joseph Oliver Allred | |
Joseph Patrick Kennedy | The Kennedy Law Firm, P.C. |
Joseph Patrick Turk | Developmental Disabilities Council |
Joseph Randy Stevens II | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Joseph Raymond Thiel | |
Joseph Repito Sanchez III | Bernalillo County Attorney's Office |
Joseph Spenser Lotz | New Mexico Department of Justice |
Joseph Sullivan | |
Joseph W. Gandert | Affordable Law |
Joseph Yar | The Law Office of Joseph Yar, P.C. |
Joshua A. Allison | Second Judicial District Court |
Joshua A. Collins | Allen Shepherd & Lewis, P.A. |
Joshua A. Goldberg | Padilla Montoya and Associates |
Joshua A. Spencer | New Mexico Developmental Disabilities Council |
Joshua B. Hirsch | Modrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A. |
Joshua Bradley | Bradley Law Firm, LLC |
Joshua Clark Rovelli | Parnall Law Firm |
Joshua D. Boone | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Joshua J. Sanchez | Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court |
Joshua K. Conaway | Fadduol Cluff Hardy & Conaway, P.C. |
Joshua Mann | Mann Water Law |
Joshua Monroe Curtis | Curtis & Company |
Joshua P. Hasyniec | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Joshua R. Slatton | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Joshua T. Chappell | Tiffany & Bosco, P.A. |
Joshua T. Talamante | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Joy A. Willis | Second Judicial District Court |
Joyce M. Gentry | Gentry Law Firm |
Juan Alonso Martinez Luna | New Mexico Legal Aid |
Juan Carlos Scarborough | Senior Citizens' Law Office |
Juan H. Gonzalez | Begum & Cowen, PLLC |
Juan L. Flores | Stelzner Winter Warburton Flores & Dawes, P.A. |
Juan M. Marquez Jr. | Rodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A. |
Judi J. Partin | Partin Law Group, LLC |
Judith E. Finfrock | |
Judith Elizabeth Caruso | Law Offices of the Public Defender |
Judith L. Durzo | Judith L. Durzo Attorney at Law |
Julia Ashley Cummings | Mayer, LLP |
Julia Elizabeth McFall | Atkinson Baker & Rodriguez, P.C. |
Julia Gabrielle Coulloudon | City of Albuquerque |
Julia L. MacCini | SCM Partners, LLC |
Julia M. Valencia | Pegasus Legal Services for Children |
Julia Marie Petrucelli | Leigh & Dougherty, P.C. |
Julia Ragas Oliver | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Julia Yvette Parsons | Stiff Garcia & Associates |
Julianna T. Hopper | Jennings Haug Keleher McLeod Waterfall, LLP |
Julie Anne Koschtial | Koschtial Law, LLC |
Julie Bishop | Bishop Law, P.C. |
Julie Marie Saiz | Law Office of Julie M. Saiz |
Julie Park | City of Albuquerque |
Julie Taylor Gilmore | UNM Office of the University Counsel Health Law Section |
Juliette A. Gallegos | |
Julio C. Romero | Martinez Hart Sanchez & Romero, P.C. |
Julio P. Garcia | ADVISE A. Modern Law Firm |
Julita A. Leavell | Law Offices of Julita Ann Leavell Esq, P.C. |
Julpa Dave | Law Offices of the Public Defender |
Justice Keith Irons | |
Justin A. Gonzalez | Gonzalez Law, LLC |
Justin A. Young | Law Offices of the Public Defender |
Justin Alexander Horwitz | Rodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A. |
Justin Bert Breen | US Eagle Federal Credit Union |
Justin Charles Lauriano | New Mexico Department of Justice |
Justin D. Goodman | Resnick & Louis, P.C. |
Justin E. Pennington | |
Justin E. Poore | National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC |
Justin J. Solimon | Barnhouse Keegan Solimon & West, LLP |
Justin L. Greene | Jackson Lewis, P.C. |
Justin L. Robbs | Civerolo Gralow & Hill, P.A. |
Justin Lesky | Law Office of Justin Lesky |
Justin Marshall Starr | Modrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A. |
Justin Paul Pizzonia | Pizzonia Law |
Justin R. Jackson | Peacock Law, P.C. |
Justin R. Sawyer | Moses Farmer Glenn Gutierrez & Werntz, P.C. |
Justin Robert Woolf | Jaynes Corporation |
Justin Rodriguez | Atkinson Baker & Rodriguez, P.C. |
Justin Roth Muehlmeyer | Peacock Law, P.C. |
Justin Watkins | Aldridge Pite, LLC |
Justin Wray French | Office of the State Engineer |
Justine C. Fox-Young | Justine Fox-Young, P.C. |
Kacey Justine Hovden | NM Environmental Law Center |
Kaela Skye Holmen | Begum & Cowen, PLLC |
Kaitlin A. Ford | Rebecca Kitson Law |
Kaleigh E. Garduno | Dorato & Weems Law Firm, LLC |
Kalin Angela Cogar | Lorber Greenfield & Olsen, LLP |
Kalista Marie Wilson | New Mexico Department of Justice |
Kallie D. Kuehl | Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center |
Kallie Dixon | Kallie Dixon Law |
Kanalya A. Arima | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Kara B. Murphy | Rodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A. |
Kara Y. Shair-Rosenfield | US District Court |
Karen Howden Weaver | Zwicker & Associates, P.C. |
Karen Kimbro Chase | US District Court |
Karen Kristine Schiabor Summers | Summers Law |
Karen L. Kahn | Modrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A. |
Karen Marie Dicke | Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP |
Kari Cole | German Burnette & Associates, LLC |
Kari Converse | |
Kari E. Brandenburg | Brandenburg Law Office |
Kari Lynn Ruma | |
Kari Ward Karr | Synchronicity, LLC |
Karie Jane Valentino | Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP |
Karin V. Foster | Treveri Law, P.C. |
Karl H. Roepke | Roepke Law Firm, LLC |
Karl J. Swanson | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Karla Denise Rosales | Bush Injury Law |
Karla K. Poe | Moses Farmer Glenn Gutierrez & Werntz, P.C. |
Karlos Ulibarri | Ulibarri Law Office |
Karson Winton Smith | 13th Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Kat Fox | New Mexico Financial & Family Law, P.C. |
Kate Furek | Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP |
Kate Jones | Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP |
Kate M. Southard | Kate Southard Real Estate |
Kate S. Thompson | Law Offices of the Public Defender |
Kateri Garcia West | Saiz Chanez Sherrell + Kaemper, P.C. |
Katharine Burdic Pena | NM Court of Appeals |
Katherine A. Wray | NM Court of Appeals |
Katherine Ann Howington | Esquivel & Howington, LLC |
Katherine Channing Roehl | The Roehl Law Firm, P.C. |
Katherine E. McKinney | Modrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A. |
Katherine E. Tourek | Garcia Law Group, LLC |
Katherine Hartung O'Neal | O'Neal Appellate Law, LLC |
Katherine J. Gibson | Second Judicial District Court |
Katherine L. McCarthy | McCarthy & Holthus, LLP |
Katherine Louise Feigenbaum | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Katherine Maria Noel Haney Tara | UNM Utton Transboundary Resources Center |
Katherine Marie Gorospe | |
Katherine Marie Loewe | Law Office of Ryan J. Villa |
Katherine P. Leblanc | Katherine P. LeBlanc Attorney at Law |
Katherine Walt | Law Offices of the Public Defender |
Katherine Weaver Patterson | KWP Consulting & Mediation, LLC |
Kathleen A. Hessler | Kathleen A. Hessler, LLC |
Kathleen Ann Sabo | |
Kathleen Elizabeth Aucoin | AuCoin Law Group |
Kathleen J. Love | McGinn Montoya Love & Curry, P.A. |
Kathleen M. Mitchell | |
Kathleen M. Rhinehart | Law Offices of Kathleen Rhinehart |
Kathleen M. Wilson | Hinkle Shanor, LLP |
Kathleen Marie Carlow | Swaim Carlow & Ames, P.C. |
Kathleen Thomas Ahghar | Moses Farmer Glenn Gutierrez & Werntz, P.C. |
Kathryn Dorothea Sears | Buckingham & Vega Law Firm |
Kathryn Erin Terry | Terry & deGraauw, P.C. |
Kathryn L. Eaton | Lueker Law, LLC |
Kathryn M. Franchini | Law Offices of the Public Defender |
Kathryn Mary Rose McGarvey | |
Kathy L. Black | Law 4 Small Business |
Katie Curry | McGinn Montoya Love & Curry, P.A. |
Katie Rose Marion | Rose Marion Law Firm, LLC |
Katrina Bagley | Allen Shepherd & Lewis, P.A. |
Katrina Sanchez Bilal | Bernalillo County Attorney's Office |
Katy M. Duhigg | Sutin Thayer & Browne |
Kayd Patterson | Fadduol Cluff Hardy & Conaway, P.C. |
Kayla Jankowski | Barnhouse Keegan Solimon & West, LLP |
Ke'vion D'anthony Pinckney | Excelsior Law of New Mexico |
Kea W. Riggs | US District Court |
Kedar Bhasker | Law Office of Kedar Bhasker |
Keith C. Mier | Butler Snow, LLP |
Keith E. Patton | Patton Law, P.C. |
Keith Franchini | Franchini Law Office |
Keith R. Romero | Romero Legal Group, P.C. |
Keith Rinaldi | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Keith W. Herrmann | Stelzner Winter Warburton Flores & Dawes, P.A. |
Kelley Leigh Thurston | Excelsior Law of New Mexico |
Kelley McIntire | |
Kelli J. Keegan | Barnhouse Keegan Solimon & West, LLP |
Kellie J. Garcia | New Mexico Department of Justice |
Kelly Alexis Golightley | Golightley Law, P.C. |
Kelly J. Davis | Business Law Southwest, LLC |
Kelly K. Waterfall | Law Office of Ryan J. Villa |
Kelly P. O'Neill | NM Office of Broadband Access and Expansion |
Kelly Stout Sanchez | Martinez Hart Sanchez & Romero, P.C. |
Kelly Villanueva | NM Environment Department |
Kelsea Elaine Sona | Robles Rael & Anaya, P.C. |
Kelsey Diane Green | Miller Stratvert, P.A. |
Kelsey Marie Neff | Law Offices of the Public Defender |
Kendrick Winsor Dane | High Flying Holdings, LLC |
Kenneth A. Gleria | Kenneth A. Gleria Attorney at Law |
Kenneth C. Leach | Roybal-Mack & Cordova, P.C. |
Kenneth J. Neundorf | J. Kenneth Neundorf Attorney at Law |
Kenneth J. Tager | NM Local Government Law, LLC |
Kenneth M. Culbreth III | Moses Farmer Glenn Gutierrez & Werntz, P.C. |
Kenneth Owens | NM Workers' Compensation Administration |
Kenneth Paul McNeill | Sandia National Laboratories |
Kenneth Robert Glodo III | |
Kenneth Shiau | Melete Legal |
Kent B. Buckingham | Buckingham & Vega Law Firm |
Keren H. Fenderson | The Fenderson Firm |
Kermit Dean Lopez | Ortiz & Lopez, PLLC |
Kerri L. Allensworth | Allen Law Firm, LLC |
Kerry Cait Marinelli | Morgan & Morgan, PLLC |
Kerry J. Morris | ABQ Law Clinic/Morris Law Firm, P.A. |
Kerry M. Clark | US Department of Energy |
Kerwin J. Hollowwa | Spann Hollowwa & Artley |
Kevin A. Hedrich | Hedrich Law, P.A. |
Kevin A. Morrow | City of Albuquerque |
Kevin D. Hammar | Aldridge Hammar Wexler, P.A. |
Kevin Daniel Pierce | Southwest Family Guidance Center, LLC |
Kevin G. Gick | University of New Mexico |
Kevin Garcia | DeGraauw Law Firm, P.C. |
Kevin J. Banville | |
Kevin J. Hanratty | Hanratty Law Firm |
Kevin J. McCready | Myers McCready & Myers, P.C. |
Kevin L. Fitzwater | |
Kevin M. de Rijk | |
Kevin M. Sexton | Resnick & Louis, P.C. |
Kevin Martinez | Law Offices of Kevin Martinez, LLC |
Kevin P. Holmes | Holmes Law Firm, P.C. |
Kevin P. Levy | Med Flight Air Ambulance, Inc. |
Kevin W. Bieg | Sandia National Laboratories |
Khan Booker | Tawney Acosta & Chaparro, P.C. |
Killean Liquori Carter | Law Offices of the Public Defender |
Kim Cuong Hong Nguyen | Ray Pena McChristian |
Kim Romero-Oak | |
Kimberly Ann Eaton Brawley | Office of the US Attorney |
Kimberly Anne Curry | |
Kimberly Bell | Office of the US Attorney |
Kimberly Lynn Padilla | Larkin Padilla McDougall Family Law |
Kimberly Marie Bannerman | Department of Interior |
Kimberly Nicole Knox | |
Kimberly S. Brusuelas | 5th Street Law |
Kinzer Anne Jackson | City of Albuquerque |
Kirk R. Allen | Miller Stratvert, P.A. |
Kirsten L. Dick | Second Judicial District Court |
Kirtan K. Khalsa | US District Court |
Klarice Alexandria Medina | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Komal Nanda Stiver | Stiver Law, LLC |
Krista L. Garcia | Power Legal, LLC |
Krista Russell | Butt Thornton & Baehr, P.C. |
Kristen J. Burby | Sandia National Laboratories |
Kristen Paige Holtvoigt | New Mexico Legal Aid, Inc. |
Kristin A. Dearth | Butt Thornton & Baehr, P.C. |
Kristin Elaine Morgan-Tracy | US District Court |
Kristin Greer Love | ACLU of New Mexico |
Kristin Groman | Resnick & Louis, P.C. |
Kristin Guin | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Kristin J. Dalton | City of Albuquerque Legal Department |
Kristina Bogardus | NM Court of Appeals |
Kristina Caffrey | New Mexico Top Organics-Ultra Health |
Kristopher Nicolas Houghton | US Attorney's Office |
Krystina Catarineu | Genus Law Group |
Krystle A. Thomas | Rodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A. |
Kurt J. Mayer | |
Kurt Wihl | Jennings Haug Keleher McLeod Waterfall, LLP |
Kyle T. Nayback | Nayback Law, LLC |
Kylee Jaei Roerick | Adams+Crow Law Firm |
Kylie N. Newman | Law Offices of the Public Defender |
Kymberleigh Grace Dougherty | Leigh & Dougherty, P.C. |
… | |
Thomas R. Dawe | |
Thomas R. Grover | Grover Law, LLC |
Thomas R. Mack | Miller Stratvert, P.A. |
Thomas Smidt III | Smidt Reist & Keleher, P.C. |
Thomas Wolinski | Adams+Crow Law Firm |
Thurman W. Moore III | Thurman W. Moore III Esq |
Tierra Njoni Marks | Barnhouse Keegan Solimon & West, LLP |
Tiffany E. Wang | Innovation Law Lab |
Tiffany L. Sanchez | |
Tiffany Leann Roach Martin | Modrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A. |
Tim Gardner | Disability Rights New Mexico |
Timothy Baker | Lighthouse Law |
Timothy C. Callaway | Whitener Law Firm |
Timothy D. Steider | Steider & Associates, P.C. |
Timothy Dale Trembley | Office of the US Attorney |
Timothy J. Atler | Atler Law Firm, P.C. |
Timothy J. Humphrey Sr. | Stetson Law Offices, P.C. |
Timothy L. Fields | Modrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A. |
Timothy L. White | Valdez & White Law Firm, LLC |
Timothy P. Zannes | Timothy P. Zannes Esq |
Timothy R. Briggs | Miller Stratvert, P.A. |
Timothy R. Van Valen | Van Valen State Tax Law, LLC |
Timothy S. Hale | Hale & Dixon, P.C. |
Timothy S. Vasquez | Office of the US Attorney |
Timothy W. Cornish | |
Tina Sherrell Taylor | Taylor Law, LLC |
Toby Lutenegger | Aldridge Pite, LLP |
Todd A. Olmos | Law Offices of the Public Defender |
Todd A. Schwarz | Miller Stratvert, P.A. |
Todd Bruce Hotchkiss | Todd B. Hotchkiss Attorney at Law, LLC |
Todd C. Adelmann | Otter Products, LLC |
Todd Ellis Farkas | Law Offices of the Public Defender |
Todd J. Bullion | Law Office of Todd J. Bullion |
Tom Prettyman | New Mexico Legal Aid, Inc. |
Tomas J. Garcia | Modrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A. |
Tommy Jewell | Jewell Law Offices |
Tonie Jessica Abeyta | Duran & McDonald, LLC |
Tony Aaron Andrade | Modrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A. |
Tonya Noonan Herring | |
Torri A. Jacobus | Administrative Office of the Courts |
Tova Indritz | Tova Indritz Attorney at Law |
Tracy Drager | |
Tracy J. Ahr | Ahr Law Offices, P.C. |
Tracy Lynn Hartzler | Central New Mexico Community College |
Tracy M. Jenks | |
Tracy R. Sprouls | Rodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A. |
Travis G. Jackson | Jackson Loman Downey & Stevens-Block, P.C. |
Travis M. Scott Jr. | |
Travis R. Collier | Presbyterian Healthcare Services |
Travis Wagman | Law Offices of the Public Defender |
Trevor A. Rigler | Law Office of Trevor A. Rigler |
Trevor S. M. Stevens | US Army Corps of Engineers |
Trevor T. Moore | |
Tricia Ann Cooper | The Robert R. Cooper Law Firm, P.C. |
Troy J. Davis | |
Twila A. Hoon | Hoon Law, LLC |
Twila Braun Larkin | Larkin Padilla McDougall Family Law |
Tyler John Atkins | Atkins & Walker, P.A. |
Tyler M. Cuff | Rodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A. |
Tyler M. Sciara | New Mexico Department of Justice |
Tyler S. Brown | |
Tyren Christopher Holmes | |
Tyson E. Logan | The Spence Law Firm NM, LLC |
Tyson J. Cosper | Soteria Legal |
Tyson R. Hummell | City of Albuquerque Legal Department |
Una Campbell | Parnall Law Firm |
Ure-Krystal Chioma Okoro | Enchantment Legal |
Urvashi Parkhani | Childress Law Firm |
Valentina Elizabeth Basile | Department of Air Force |
Valeria Garcia Tavarez | New Mexico Immigrant Law Center |
Valerie A. Huling | |
Valerie Joe | Bernalillo County Attorney's Office |
Valerie Reighard Denton | Rodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A. |
Van Snow | New Mexico Department of Justice |
Vanessa Denise Hidalgo | Pueblo of Isleta Legal Department |
Vanessa E. Garcia | Lorber Greenfield & Olsen, LLP |
Vanessa I. Peake | Peake Law Firm, LLC |
Vanessa Rae Ortega | VRO Law Firm |
Vanessa S. Willock | |
Vaughn Thomas | Thomas Law Firm Chartered |
Venu M. Manne | |
Verenice Peregrino Pompa | Pegasus Legal Services for Children |
Veronica Dorato | Dorato & Weems Law Firm, LLC |
Veronica Gonzales | University of New Mexico School of Law |
Veronica L. Hill | Second Judicial District Court |
Veronica Nadine Mireles | Mayer, LLP |
Veronique Richardson | Barnhouse Keegan Solimon & West, LLP |
Vicente Eduardo Vargas | |
Vicki S. Plevin | Pickel Law, P.C. |
Vickie R. Wilcox | Wilcox & Myers, P.C. |
Victor A. Hall | New Mexico Department of Justice |
Victor E. Valdez | |
Victor J. Chacon | New Mexico Health Care Authority |
Victor Patrick Montoya | Southwest Workplace Law |
Victor Roybal Jr. | Law Offices of Victor Roybal Jr |
Victor S. Lopez | Second Judicial District Court |
Victoria Gammill | City of Albuquerque Legal Department |
Victoria K. Leblanc-Vialpando | Second Judicial District Attorney's Office |
Victoria Leigh Lucero | The Law Office of Victoria Lucero, LLC |
Victoria Marie Bateman | M. V. Parker Law, PLLC |
Vidalia Gruber Chavez | Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court |
Vincent E. Martinez | Martinez Law Offices, P.C. |
Vincent J. Ward | The Ward Law Firm |
Vincent L. Knight | |
Vincent Mckay Haslam | Hurley Toevs Styles Hamblin & Panter, P.A. |
Violet Nora Delancey Edelman | Office of the Federal Public Defender |
Violette Cloud | |
Virginia H. Huettig | Virginia H. Huettig Esq |
Walter E. Stern III | Modrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A. |
Walter Kenneth Martinez Jr. | Bernalillo County Attorney's Office |
Walter L. Reardon Jr. | Walter L. Reardon Jr, P.A. |
Walter M. Hart III | New Mexico Department of Justice |
Wan Erh Chen | |
Wanda Martinez | New Mexico Health Care Authority |
Warren F. Hire II | Hinkle Law Offices, P.C. |
Wayne Baker | Law Office of Wayne Baker |
Wayne E. Bingham | Bingham Hurst & Apodaca, P.C. |
Wayne G. Chew | Wayne G. Chew, P.C. |
Wayne J. Griego | Friends & Family Legal Center |
Wayne McCook | McCook Law Firm, LLC |
Wayne R. Suggett | Wayne R. Suggett Attorney at Law, P.C. |
Wendell B. Lane | Lane Linnenburger Lane Attorneys at Law |
Wendy E. York | York Mediations, LLC |
Wendy Lee Basgall | Second Judicial District Court |
Wesley Colin Corning Jackson | Jackson Law, LLC |
Wesley Hazen | |
William A. Hilsman | |
William A. Sanchez | Sanchez Settlement & Mediation Services, LLC |
William Bluehouse Johnson | William Johnson |
William C. Herring | Law Offices of William C. Herring |
William C. Lusk-Claiborne | |
William C. Madison | Madison Mroz Steinman Kenny & Olexy, P.A. |
William C. Sutherland | Sutherland Law Firm, LLC |
William D. Greig | The Law Office of William D. Greig, LLC |
William D. Slease | State Bar of New Mexico |
William E. Parnall | Second Judicial District Court |
William Ervin Hoskovec | Sandia Family Law, LLC |
William Garth Gilchrist | Rodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A. |
William Gregory Kelly | Kelly & Associates, P.C. |
William J. Cooksey | Law Offices of WJ Cooksey LC |
William J. Lock | Lock Law Offices |
William Joel Cooley | William Joel Cooley Attorney at Law |
William K. Stratvert | Miller Stratvert, P.A. |
William Paul Dunn | Pregenzer Baysinger Wideman & Sale, P.C. |
William R. Anderson | O'Brien & Padilla, P.C. |
William R. Keleher | Smidt Reist & Keleher, P.C. |
William Richard McBride | William McBride Law Group, P.A. |
William Robert Consuegra | WRC Consulting, LLC |
William Robert Lasater Jr. | |
William S. Ferguson | Will Ferguson & Associates |
William S. Hancock | McGinn Montoya Love & Curry, P.A. |
William Scott Jaworski | Jaworski Law |
William Shibley Elias II | National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC |
William Sutton Reardon | Morgan Stanley |
William Zachary Addison | New Mexico Legal Aid, Inc. |
Willow Misty Parks | Parks Law Office, LLC |
Winter Laite | Winter Laite Attorney at Law |
Winter Leigha Torres | Torres Legal Solutions, LLC |
Wouter G. Zwart | Rothstein Donatelli, LLP |
Wyatt M. Dameron | Law Offices of the Public Defender |
Yarithza Pena | Modrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A. |
Yarrow Circle Allaire | |
Yasmin Dennig | Sandia National Laboratories |
Yoselin Martin | Tawney & Acosta and Chaparro, P.C. |
Young-Jun Roh | Rimon, P.C. |
Yvette Kathleen Gonzales | Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court |
Yvonne Zylan | New Mexico Supreme Court |
Zacary E. Wilson-Fetrow | James Wood Law |
Zachary Adam Lerner | Lerner Venture Law, P.C. |
Zachary Alexander Kolodny | Law Offices of the Public Defender |
Zachary Andrew Kim | Domenici Law Firm, P.C. |
Zachary Arthur Ives | NM Court of Appeals |
Zachary E. Ogaz | NM Environment Department |
Zachary J. W. Grant | |
Zachary Jones | Office of the US Attorney |
Zachary Joseph Farmer | Keller & Keller |
Zackary Quintero | |
Zackeree S. Kelin | Davis Kelin Law Firm, LLC |
Zoe Glaser | Law Offices of the Public Defender |
Zoila Y. Alvarez-Hernandez | Law Office of Zoila Alvarez-Hernandez, LLC |